Momentum Acrobatics collaborates with a number of California charter school homeschool programs and is recognized by the State of California. To find out if we are a vendor for your school, get in touch with us. If we are not a vendor for your school, we can work to become a vendor.
How can I register for classes and pay for them with money from my charter homeschool?
Inform your charter school of the number of lessons you plan to attend each week at Momentum Acrobatics. Please cc us at misti@momentumacrobatics.com when you email them. Momentum Acrobatics will get an order for enrichment from your school to begin on the first of the month. When we receive your order for enrichment, we can confirm your selected regularly scheduled class (es).
How much are classes?
Class price varies depending on the number of hours you would like to attend. Please visit our Class Schedule Page to check which classes you would like to attend and the class prices option.
Are there discounts?
You are not allowed to use any discounts for classes payed my charter schools.